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Meaning of our logo: God established covenant with human not again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth. Sign of the rainbow testified God’s covenant with human. Our logo is designed to reflect rainbow meaning. It is our guiding light that helps us in our decision making and pursuit spiritual connection, reciprocal and equitable relationship between the farmers, buyers and consumers. It symbolizes hope, renewal, and transformation and healing of social injustice.

Investing in agricultural human capital: Investing in farmers or agricultural human capital is essential to achieve higher productivity of gum acacia, sustainable growth in agrifood systems and job creation. We are committed to implement a sustainable development goal of United Nations by developing human capacity of the farmers and striving to promote 'a take and give relationship' between the stakeholders

Innovation and agroecology:
Forest trees, and vegetables are the reservoirs for food and income earning. They are the keepers of nature, wisdom, and knowledge for food security in an agroecological practices and understanding of ecosystem management. We explore and optimize practices of agroecology for promotion of social justice, maintenance of ethnic identity and culture by combining traditional and new scientific knowledge through trainings of farmers on management, entrepreneurial, networking and marketing skills to improve the economic viability of rural areas.

Trees of the gum acacia have been there for centuries. The continuity and preservation of these trees ensure uninterrupted access to gum acacia and guarantee a reliable supply chain to our customers which made us a trusted partner.

Reforestation initiative:
Forestation initiative is significant approach for job opportunities for various demographic groups and international tourists seeking to experience different environment and culture. We introduced advanced planting technology and encourage the local farmers to plant hundreds of trees yearly.

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